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The most comprehensive source of information about Endciv. We are currently maintaining 202 pages (4 articles).

What is Endciv?

You’ve managed cities in medieval ages, Rome, Egypt, foreign planets... Now it's time to discover the wastelands.

An ecological disaster triggered global economic collapse. With the economy gone, civilization followed soon after. Now, isolated group of survivors eke out a pathetic existence, living among the ruins. You are the leader of one such group and it's up to you to roll up your sleeves, motivate your people, and build a future out of the ashes of the past.

Endciv has been Greenlit on Steam and is slated to enter Early Access in 21st April 2016.

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Key Features
  • Build a settlement from the ground up and guide it from shantytown to urban center!
  • Raider or savior? With nobody to enforce the law, conquer and plunder as you see fit... Or take the high road and forge alliances to unify the scattered remnants of humanity as you build a new future!
  • Deep simulation features: Food spoils, water goes bad, and nothing exists in abundance. Experience survival after the apocalypse, just like it would feel in real life!
  • Last, but not least, there are no zombies. The only monsters are your fellow humans - and you, should you choose to.
Out of the CodeBox
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